Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Can you live where you are at any age?

The determination of where we live is usually based on socioeconomic forces on our life.  One of the primary questions I ask any potential client involves the span of time they expect to live there.  I often point out that the neighborhood they currently are living (as most of my clients are on Staten Island) in is usually very livable, meaning it's a place they could live in for almost there entire life.  Many have lived in their homes at least ten years and have no inclination to live elsewhere, they would rater improve than move.  I hear this all the time they just need a little more space or need to rearrange spaces to make them more comfortable.  I even had one client buy a neighboring home to stay in the neighborhood, and build the home they wanted.  So if you can live in a neighborhood at almost any age, consider yourself in a good place.  Many of the so called "suburbs" are homogenized places where you find all the people are the same.  Same age, same income, same homes .... I find that very unlivable.  

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