I have been contemplating this blog idea for a while now and I just can't procrastinate any more.... so here it goes. I became an architect for a very simple reason, I always wanted to design houses, not buildings, but houses ... I love clever spaces, the unexpected favorite corner of a room or a particular window. I try with every project to have my client create one special room or space, that makes the whole project truly theirs. I also study the spaces between houses, sounds odd at first, but with out the proper understanding of buildings and their relationships to each other and the street, you have unfortunate, and odd places that people do not have any use for. When a house is properly done, regardless of style or type, the spaces between the house and other building as as well as the street are enhanced and best part that space is practically free!
Now with this little blog...
I would like to give people advise on what to do depending on their questions so, ask away, and feel free to leave any comments. I will post my credentials and some photo's soon.